Iago's notes

About me

My full name is Iago Giné Vázquez in its Spanish form (name + 2 surnames), although I tend to write Giné-Vázquez instead in an international context. I was born in Mos (Galiza). How to pronounce my name according to the IPA standard: ˈjaɣo̝ ʒiˈne (I am not sure about this as I couldn’t find a good source for it) ˈbaθke̝θ.

I am a PhD. in Mathematics, but my current job is Research Assistant as a data analyst/statistician in an epidemiology research group. I program mainly with R (#RStats), although I used at some point different languages as C, Python, HTML, Javascript and other.

Specifically, I trained C during my degree in Mathematics. Later I followed some online courses on Python and others using it. I followed also some online course on HTML and Javascript and started others on Java or Rust. And I have used Docker a bit.

Career wishes

When I was a kid I liked a lot astronomy and chemistry. Later, as an adolescent, I loved genomics. And finally, in my post-adolescence, I discovered a big interest on Ancient History and archaeology.

Given that, I would love to do bioinfomatics and anlyse ancient genomes, however currently I am not trained in genomics.

I also discovered recently Artificial Intelligence for Earth observation and weather and climate modelling and followed online courses on these subjects. However, training without a continuous follow up work is a path to nowhere…

I like programming and I would love to do software development or engineering with C or Rust, or even Javascript / Typescript, or software packaging and maintaining for Debian repositories, or system Linux administrator, but it is probably too far and late for me…

Who knows, maybe at some point, far from computers, I would get a healthier job, such as train driver…

A dream

R is written on C. It is a very clever and clean language. I like a lot how the main repositories work for R libraries work, being them CRAN and Bioconductor. They provide a high compatibility among all the published packages at a given time point, unlike Python main repositories.

Julia seems to be more efficient and perform much better than R, almost as compiled languages like C or Fortran.

Python has a very rich library ecosystem, specially for machine learning and Artifical Intelligence, and a big community.

You can find more notes on this in A Comparative Analysis of Python, R, and Julia: Choosing the Right Programming Language for Data Science.

Rust is replacing C++ and C as a more memory safe lower level programming language.

Therefore, putting all this together, I would love to see R written on Rust with the design (implying the performance) of Julia and the rich ecosystems of R for statistics, Julia for numerical analysis and Python for AI together in just one place. And the capabilities for data management and visualization of all of them.